
Memes also tagged "Source":


History Memes History, Baseball, Source, Game, BASEBALL, America text: In 1910, there was a US Baseball team made up of death row inmates whose execution dates were delayed as long as they were winning. GAME BaseBaIl YOU WIN OR YOU DIE


Black Twitter Memes Tweets, Obama, Barack, Obamagate, China, Source  May 2020


Christian Memes Christian, Men, Hebrew, Spanish, Source, Aymen text: "Amen" "Amen"


Political Memes Political, Trump, Source, President, PMNtW, George Floyd text: 0 Bryan Behar @bryanbehar People dying of Covid. Millions out of work. Black men being murdered in the streets. Riots nationwide. You know what America needs right now? A President.


Political Memes Political, GPA, Source, Kristin, Harvard, Test text: Kristin @sodangfancy22 2d I graduated from college 8 years ago today. I was 28. I refused to go into debt for college so I joined the military. I kept my grades up and they took care of me. #CancelStudentDebt is a slap in the face to many like me. Q 3,278 to 5,985 027.7K Spanky McDutcherson @thatdutchperson Replying to @sodangfancy22 Imagine thinking "l had to enter into a situation where I potentially would have died or maybe would have had to kill others so that I wouldn

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